- remark the changes 注意到变化
- remark the many trees 注意观察树木
- remark the political tension 注意紧张政治局势
- remark that queer cloud 注意那奇怪的云彩
- remark one 's style of writing 注意作者的写作风格
- remark calmly 镇静地说
- remark casually 随便说
- remark cynically 冷嘲热讽地说
- remark jokingly 开玩笑地说
- remark naively 天真地说
- remark behind sb 's back 在背后议论
- remark on 〔upon〕 谈论…
- remark on the excellent condition 谈论优良环境
- remark on other 's shortcoming 议论别人的缺点
- remark on the prosperous look of the city 谈到城市的繁荣景象
- address a remark to 对…讲一点意见
- drop a remark 无意中说出某意见
- exchange a few remarks 交谈了几句
- recall a remark 回顾
- utter a remark 说一点意见
- withdraw a remark 收回一句话
- apt remark 恰如其分的评语
- biting remark 讽刺的话
- casual remark 非正式评论
- closing 〔concluding〕 remarks 结束语
- theme of remark 谈论的话题